
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Guest Speaker

Last night I headed off to UNID - one of the Universities here in Merida.  One of my friends from work had told me that her professor would love for me to come and talk to their psychology class.  Their class is all about psychology of the Mexican in the business world and her professor wanted to hear an outsiders perspective on what goes on here.

I was a little nervous when she picked me up last night.  I didn't really know what to expect (what to say, what language to say it in, etc.)  I got to sit in some of the class for about half an hour, during which I got to listen to some students present and discuss various topics.  All in all, it was a lot like a normal university level class. 

Then the professor asked me to come up to the front of the class, tell everyone a little about myself and we had an interview-style discussion where anyone could ask me questions. And did they ask me questions!  I think that the class of about 25/30 people may know more about me than some of my friends! I talked about my views of Mexicans, the workplace and what I have seen so far.  We talked about machismo and feminism, my views on the world, where I see myself in 10 years and so much more.  I actually had a lot of fun talking with the class.  I think was a really good experience for all involved.  

For them it was good for them to hear our stereotypes of Mexicans (some valid and some not) and also my opinion after living here.  I also think it helped them to see someone trying to speak spanish, enjoying the lifestyle here and having fun. It kind of helped break the drunk, partying american stereotype that they have of us (all thanks to spring break). 

For me, it was great to speak spanish in front of a ton of people for so long.  And the professor said that I even spoke really well - can you believe that?  He asked me to come back and speak to another one of his classes sometime if I wanted, but we'll see if my time limit will allow.  It was also really good for me because it got me thinking about things I haven't thought about before, like: what would I bring from Ohio to Merida or vice versa? What I'll miss the most and least?  For me, it was a great opportunity to reflect on my time here and realize what I'll miss and what I'll be happy to get away from.  It makes me realize that I really need to enjoy my last three weeks here in the peninsula, but also that I will be excited to return to Ohio, my home.

My Lesson of the Day: I've learned more about myself in one class here in Mexico than I have in 2 years at OU.  

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