
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Loosing my crutch

Today was my first day as the only student from OU in Merida.  Its like I took out the big crutch that was the program and am now living on my own.  It was just me and mama for lunch and then the two of us for dinner also.  I know I'll only be here for tomorrow but it gives me a really good look at what it would be like to actually live here in Merida.  Its fun to think about what my life would be like if I lived here full time.

On another note, today was my last day at the office.  I teared up a little when it came time to say goodbye.  Everyone there has been really great and they have made my experience here so much more enjoyable.  I took in some cookies and we all sat around talking about the last three months.  It's funny how much your life can change in such a short matter of time.  We laughed about how on my first day at the office I didn't even know how to get home nor how to tell them even if I did.  I think I've come a long way since then.

I assured everyone that they always have a place to stay in Ohio whenever they want to visit.  I think it would be fun to be able to show them around and I know they would like it.  They too let me know that I always have a place to stay in Merida.  I'm sure that one day I will be back to take them up on that offer.

While it was sad saying goodbye, I know that I will keep in touch with a lot of my coworkers and my boss Roberto too.  I'm excited to step foot back in the U.S. because I know I'll always have wonderful memories of my time here.

My Lesson of the Day: Its hard getting rid of that crutch after you've been walking with it for so long.

1 comment:

Mom said...

so i got a little teary eyed myself, just reading my blog made me realize how hard it will be for you to leave, but wanted you to know that you won't need your crutch hear because there are many people here waiting for your smiling face to return we will all be here for you to lean on.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow, Love you Mom