
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I have arrived

I finally made it into Mérida last night around 9:30/10 here.  We were immediately hit with the hot weather upon landing.  The temperature has been in the high 90s during the day and a little cooler at night.  Its hot, but I'm not complaining.  It's a nice change from Ohio.

After arriving in Mérida, I met my new Mama - Doña Margarita - a nice señora of about 80 years. She lives alone is a middle class home that is right next door to her daughter's house.  Her daughter, also Margarita, is very nice a well and I can already tell that the two spend a lot of their time together.  I think I'm going to like living with them.  As for my house, it is much larger than the house I stayed in last year.  I feel weird not staying with the same family as last year but I hope that I see them soon! 

Today I had my cita (appt.) for my internship.  I will be working for a magazine called Gente Bien.  I was a little nervous, to say the least, but my boss seems like a really nice guy.  Today he told me a little more about the magazine, which is a free, socially-oriented magazine that they produce every other week.  The magazine reaches about 10,000 people each edition.  It is part of a larger network of Gente Bien magazines that are all throughout Mexico with a few branches in the U.S. and Costa Rica.  I found out that the Yucatan's branch is the smallest of the Gente Bien branches.  And I would be willing to bet that it's office is the smallest as well.  It is a quaint 14' x 14' office with several desks.  It wasn't anything like I expected, but I'm happy to be working there.  I'm excited to get to know more about the magazine and find out more about what I will be working on.  So far I have been assigned to do two pages, so I hope I can figure it out!  I guess there will be more on that subject later.

As for the other people at the magazine, they all seem nice.  I found out that most of the employees are students at local Universities who work for the magazine part time.  I think that I'll like working with them a lot.  However, I'm not so sure what they think of me!  I'm afraid that I was so nervous for my first day and overwhelmed by the whole trip that I forgot how to speak spanish!  And when it came time to leaving for lunch, they asked where I lived so they could help me find a way home.  And wouldn't you know it, I had no idea what my address was!  I'm sure that came off well!  But I sort of knew how to get there, so one of the guys drove me home and we eventually found it.  However, I still have no idea how I'm going to get there tomorrow.  I guess I will find a way there, - as they say in mexico - si dios quiere.

My Lesson of the Day:
Don't leave home if you don't know where home is!


Tori said...

The internship sounds like a great opportunity Em! Miss you already and hope you find your way today!

Anonymous said...

From: Johanna
My familia and I traveled to Merida in 2008, I really liked there, It was very beautiful and the people were wonderful. I just want to tell you that spanish people are very kind and caring.You said that you have being there before, so you probably know their culture and custom already. Just wish you good look at your new job! By the way, I brought two magazines of GenteBien from Merida, I really like to read them because reminds me about my country. I am from Ecuador but now I am leaving in Salt Lake City, Utah.BUENA SUERTE!!!