
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Piñata - Much more than paper mache

Yesterday was my roommate's birthday.  And not just any birthday, but number 21.  This is a pretty big deal to us Americans and I was determined to celebrate it right, even if it wasn't as big of a deal to the Mexcians. (You are legal to drink at 18 here.)

So what did I do, you may be asking?  Is this a story about bar hoping, tequila and beer?  Not in the least bit.  It is a story about piñatas!  Because what better way to celebrate your birthday in Mexico, than with a piñata. 

So after work yesterday, one of my coworkers, Mike, was driving me home and I was telling him about how I wanted to get a piñata.  We decided to go looking for a piñata store, which are much easier to encounter here in Merida than in the U.S.  In fact, there is a whole block devoted to piñatas in the centro.

We encountered a piñata store quickly and I began searching for the right one.  There were some shaped like disney characters, balls, cars, etc.  And they ranged from palm-sized to bigger-than-my-body-sized.

Eventually I found the perfect one.  It was shaped like one of the traditional
 piñatas and very colorful.  It was exactly what I needed.  So I loaded up on candy and headed home to stuff it.  (For the record, I bought about 3 times the amount of candy than I actually needed.  I guess I need a little more practice in the piñata department!)

I gave the piñata to Carolyn when she got back from work and she loved it.  So much so that we decided it didn't deserve to be broken, and it is currently residing in our room.  We did need a little decoration, after all.

Between our hammocks, the piñata and the spanish cosmos, its easy to see from our room that we are living in Mexico.

My Lesson of the Day: Piñatas are so much more than paper mache and foil.

P.S.  For those of you who may be worried, we did go out for her birthday.  And yes, it involved tequila and margaritas.  And yes, we had a very good mexican time.

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