
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mis compañeras de cuarto

Officially, I only have one compañera de cuarto (roommate). Her name is Carolyn.  But unofficially, there are many of us that are sharing this room.  In addition to each other, Carolyn and I have a lot of six-legged roommates.  I'm talking about hormigas (ants).  They are quite possibly everywhere!  

In the morning I pass about a good number on my way to the kitchen for breakfast.  They are so small that they practically go unnoticed.  That is, until you realize that those specs in the floor tiles are actually moving.  Or until you leave something sweet on the table and return to find it just crawling with black specs.

While we were staying in Playa del Carmen, we were fascinated when a dropped piece of food was quickly transported by a swarming team of at least a hundred ants.  They had a started a little colony by the light socket that was quickly growing from a tiny town to a thriving aunt metropolis.  

However, what amazed me more than their impressive colony, was the twang of sadness I felt when I heard Margarita get out the can of ant spray.  Now I'm not the kind of person who enjoys living around bugs.  In fact, I would prefer a world without them.  But there is something different about it here.   For some reason I have just adjusted to coexist with them.  I have realized that it is impossible to kill every one of those little devils.  As it is impossible to feel bad and try not to step on them.  (I've tested both approaches)  So for now, we will simply coexist - me, the hormigas, the geckos, the mosquitos, and any other creature I may come across in this house.

My lesson of the Day: There are two types of roommates:  The ones you choose and the ones who choose you.

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