
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My life eating beans

In the past three weeks, I have eaten more black beans than I ever thought possible.  I always knew that black beans and rice were the staples of Mexican food, but I guess I never realized how much so.  And in this household, beans far overpower the rice part.  We have beans with everything, and I mean everything. 

For example, today we had spaghetti and...drum beans.  Now how many of you can say you've eaten those together before?

The funny part about all of these black beans is that I absolutely love eating them!  I actually can't get enough, which is a good thing considering their frequent appearance on the dinner table.  I even come home from the bars and all I want to do is raid the fridge for more black beans!  I just hope I can keep black beans as a staple when I return to the U.S.

My Lesson of the Day: Black beans are the perfect side dish to any meal, and I mean ANY meal!

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