
Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!  I set this up in hopes of corresponding between my friends and family in the U.S. while I study abroad in Merida, Mexico.  I hope to give you a little piece of the fascinating culture and lifestyle of the people in Merida. Please come back again soon and check for daily updates while I am abroad!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sometimes time flies when your having fun...

And sometimes time just seems to stand still.  Like it did yesterday.  I went to my second day of work yesterday.  Because I didn't know how to get there, I ended up walking.  I enjoyed the walk and it only took me like 25 minutes.  When my mama found out, she thought I was crazy for walking! 

Anyways, my second day took me to hacienda Kuau, a very beautiful and relaxing old hacienda that has been renovated to accommodate parties.  We went there because the owner wanted to buy ad space in the magazine.  They told me that sales visits usually take about 10 to 30 minutes.  After touring the hacienda and waiting for about an hour, i was starting to  doubt that.  We finally left about 2 1/2 hours later.  My boss kept apologizing for how long it took, but i really didn't mind spending my whole day relaxing at a hacienda.

After returning an hour late for lunch, I hung around the house for about an hour and then went to the photoshoot for la portada (the cover) of the magazine.  I really enjoyed watching the whole process and helping out, but this project too took several hours!

Finally I returned home for a short dinner, ate some rosco (a type of cake) to celebrate the day of the three kings and we went out for the first time since arriving.

My Lesson of the Day: When your on Mexican time, some things just seem to take longer

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